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Under the Influence

squeezeRyan Irvine, our neighbor to the north, has posted a rather comprehensive statistical analysis of Pitchfork’s ratings over the years on goodhodgkins.

The best explanation I have for my love-hate relationship with Pitchfuck is probably not when I realized there were not one, but two (!) Shins songs on the Garden State soundtrack. (I so wanted to hate that movie, but the soundtrack was actually pretty good.) It was at that moment that I realized that the Shins were no longer mine. They had entered into the pop culture mainstream. And so, too, has Pitchfork, and criticism is one of the unfortunate prices you have to pay once you get there. Caring is creepy, I guess.

PinballSo anyway, the analysis. There’s some interesting stuff in there. Like the fact that PF has reviewed KISS 17 times. I know what you’re thinking. Does KISS even have 17 albums?!! (They have 30). But the more interesting point is that the the same guy reviewed all 17 and his average score for them was a 5.38 out of 10.

One of the most startling findings? Save Ferris is awesome.

Plus, the appendix should make Chaddigan happy, as he’s not the only one who’s Super Furry addicted.

Here’s a Shins cover of the Postal Service for your trouble (they’e still good).

Buy The Postal Service Such Great Heights from the Public Music RadioSource.

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