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Femme Generation

Femme Generation

Music blogs can introduce you to a wealth of fantastic music, which is really one of the main reasons Seamus and I started (((withoutsound))). Prior to last February, I learned about new music from music blogs about 50% of the time. Since then that percentage has grown to about 75%. However, as you have probably realized by now, most of the blogs out there (or is it in here?) are full of shite, overloaded with tracks with little to no discussion of the music. There must be some who find such a posting-style perfect; I’m guessing these folk are just looking to fill their DAP with free tracks; but I’ve found that this just leaves me with a surplus of mediocre songs. And since most publicly available music is mediocre, I need some sort of filtering system to help me separate the tasty tasty wheat from that nasty nasty chaff. So I’d like to thank the good soul behind *SixEyes for introducing me to Toronto-based rawk band Femme Generation, my new wheat (not to be confused with Wheat).

Listen to Hearts in Stitches.

Okay so they start out with that reverent organ and plaintive whine, but then the bass kicks in, the guitar funks out, the organ becomes less preachy and more Hammondy and the whine becomes, well it’s still a whine, but then about a minute and a half in, the whine has become much more authoritative. Imagine the Editors on the Bottom of the Hudson. It’s clear enough from just this song that these guys may have their cocks out.

Not clear enough, though?
Listen to Semper Fi, Little Guy.

Remind of you any other good-time rock and rollers, perhaps a group that wants you to louden up?!!!* Even the quickly sung line is it time to semper fi sounds a lot like can you feel it intensify. I happen to be a big fan of the funky punk sound. It makes you bounce and pump a fist or two and screech, it’s easy to enjoy, and with a 6-song EP from 2004 and a full-length album from last year Femme Generation currently offers over 16 easily enjoyable tracks.

Buy the 2006 LP Brothers and Sisters, Alone We Explode and/or the 2004 EP Circle Gets the Square from Maple Music.

And if you’re feelin’ it, go give *SixEyes a high-five.

*By the way, !!!’s new album Myth Takes is scheduled to come out March 6th.

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